Friday, November 21, 2008

While my guitar gently weeps...........

Just the other day,I was passing by a temple.I see a cow,tied with its offspring. The cow chomped on it's daily quota of grass and the like.I passed the temple road and later in the day,I went by the temple again.The level of the grass hadn't changed but the cow still was hell bent on chewing the mother... out of the grass,maybe for the nth time of the day. Ruminating on that dribble,however,wasn't that uneasy for the cow,I guess("isn't that their digestive system?").
But man,we aren't cows and bloody hell,we sure don't wanna ruminate the dribble-of-a-music that we get from the so-called mainstream genres.

I know it ain't too easy to be yapping about how music should and shouldn't be in this age or any other age for that matter. Nobody decides how music is and should be. After all,doesn't every one have the right to listen what's good for them?! But that doesn't mean you commercialize the fuck outta music by capitalizing on your financial resources,eh?

One thing sure seems to get clearer by the day; pop isn't any genre of music,it's the percentage of how far the music has plagued your brain,all thanks to heavy-duty promotion(and it's just that). Be it disco or funk or even rock music (thank you,Nickelback) . It's all about the strategy you apply to get to the hearts of the masses,who eventually gotta wake up the next day and go to work and would forget your shitty tune,but for the big bucks spent on your bastardized form of music.It wouldn't be too weird if the next pop icon is some MBA grad with honours in marketing,who wouldn't know squat about music.

I cannot but mention Karl Marx's "haves and haves-not" theory here. Here,we got the 'haves' with their budgeting plans and market penetration strategies...oh also,with their music;and then we got the 'haves-not' --- poor bastards with their talent and music which couldv'e struck a chord with the masses,if and only if,the throngs would wake up from their dreams, full of corporate pleasures and perks and island-holidays,sipping on a pina-colada,and a radio station playing the same old MBA-in-marketing-type music .

Still,there would be some purists,believing in obsolete Woodstock-era theories like" Music is for the people,not for the record company execs"," That would be totally selling out,man"
Cheer up guys,soon you might either end up like a minstrel playing your lute in front of a rich patron(Waddafuck,this ain't medieval times) or turn 'sensible' enough and slog ur ass off in a place where you'd feel Hitler's concentration camps were better,all for the money ,man-- all for the money.

Now,as my guitar gently weeps,and so also other musical instruments,which once defined musicians,icons,legends,Gods(Clapton is God,yeahh,boo-hoo).........................I think,"
Why those tears, man. You are already dead.........

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